Sunday, December 2, 2012

Well That Went Fast

I've been keeping a blog this semester for my Humanities of Latin America class. We have to post every week about something that we've read or watched or looked at that week. It was a great experience to write in an academic voice on a blog, something that I'm definitely not used to. If you're interested in Latin America or my thoughts or my thoughts about Latin America (or if you're really just that bored,) you can check it out here. Shameless self-promotions aside, I just wanted to excuse myself for not keeping up to date about my life. It's just that something has been different this semester than the previous three years I've been at BYU: I've had a life. I actually go out with people and we do stuff. So that's what I've been doing instead of updating my blog about a non-existing life. I've actually been living. It's pretty fun, and it's a shame I didn't discover it sooner. There's so much that I wish I had done while living in Provo that I just won't have the opportunity to do anymore. I know you're saying, "But don't you still have another semester before you graduate?" Technically my friends, yes, yes I do. But I'm doing an internship in Washington, D.C. from January through April, so I essentially only have two weeks left in Utah. (My internship is with the U.S. Capitol Historical Society and I'm really excited to start!) Life is getting kind of scary because I'm starting to make real decisions that will significantly affect my future. It's exciting and wonderful and terrifying. But for now, before I really have to make any of these decisions, I'm just going to enjoy the people I'm with. Because to me, that's what matters most.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Change is Good, Right?

So, although I don't mind sharing some details of my life on this blog, I'm hesitant to become overly personal. For this reason, it's been difficult to think of something to write about over the last few months. But today I feel so grateful for the series of events that's happened that I just can't keep it to myself. So, around my twenty-first birthday, I decided I needed to serve a mission for my church. In order to serve, there is an application process, and part of this process is a physical exam because missions are physically demanding. Although I was somewhat concerned about this physical (you may recall that this was around the same time I had mono,) I went into it with relative optimism. I came out of the exam not with the approval to serve as I had hoped, but with an urging to seek further medical attention. So, that afternoon, I made a tear-filled and anxious journey back home with my mom. From April to August, I spent some quality time at the hospital, multiple doctors' offices, and recovering at home. (Like I said, I'm hesitant to share too many details, so if you're curious about the health problem I'm unwilling to name, just ask.) With this medical condition, I became ineligible to serve a mission, at least until my health stabilizes a bit. And that leads me to where I am now: in Provo, resuming my studies at Brigham Young University. I didn't want to return this semester nor was I really prepared to return. But here I am. And I'm already overwhelmed with school, finding good doctors out here, getting healthy, trying to find time for a social life, and possibly adding a job into the mix. But somehow I know that everything is going to be all right.

Monday, April 16, 2012

A Transparent Eyeball?

"Life only avails, not the having lived. Power ceases in the instant of repose; it resides in the moment of transition from a past to a new state... This one fact the world hates, that the soul becomes." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

I'm trying to live my life the best as I can. I'm making the most of every single day. Well, I'm working on making the most of every day. I'm trying to transition to a new state, like Emerson suggests. I want to be better tomorrow than I am today. I want to turn my weaknesses into strengths. I like who I am. A friend of mine recently told me that no-one should apologize for who they are. I agree with that, sort of. I know that I am who I am. But I also believe that I can and should change and get better so that I will one day be the best version of myself that I can be. I don't need to apologize for who I am, but I do need to realize that I can be a better me. Even if that just means smiling at someone in the store or holding the door open for someone or something else equally as small, I still feel like I become better, happier. And I suppose I just don't understand why someone would not want to be better and happier than they currently are. Life isn't perfect, folks. Anyone who tells you otherwise is selling something. It's messy and complicated and challenging. But that's okay. Life is a refining process. I'm grateful for the chances I have every day of my life to become better, stronger than I once was. Oh, the thinks you can think (when you really should be studying for finals.)

I know this post is long; forgive me. But it's just what I'm thinking about at the close of a very challenging but very strengthening semester. Life is good, my friends. Don't forget.

Monday, March 19, 2012


1. I've made a lot of big decisions regarding my "Five Year Plan." I'll let you know more details as time goes on.
2. I cut off about a foot of hair and donated it to Locks of Love. For those of you who haven't seen me in a while and are thinking something along the lines of "Did she even have twelve inches to chop off?" the answer is yes, yes I did. I've been growing my hair out for a while, so now it goes to about the middle of my neck. It's pretty cute and fun, and the only thing I miss is being able to just pull it back into a ponytail when it's annoying me. But it was time for a change.
3. The semester is almost over! School has been okay to me, and my grades are mostly high, which is splendid. And I just got extensions for two research papers, so that's been a major burden lifted off my shoulders (for now.)
4. But the reason I got an extension (well, this reason only applies to one of the papers. The other one the teacher just wanted to give us more time...) is because I have mono! You know, that illness that I like to joke and tease people about. Well, karma sucks. And so does mono.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Something New

     Sometimes I want to be profound when I blog. I want people to read my posts and think to themselves, "Man, that girl has some really great things to say." Or something like "That was inspiring; I think I am going to make some changes in my life." But usually I just ramble until I get tired of seeing my own thoughts put into words or I remember that I have other tasks that need to be accomplished. So, true to form, that's exactly what I'm going to do.
     I am going through an interesting time of my life. I was figuring out which classes I should take for spring and summer terms, and I realized that, by taking classes all summer, I would be finished with classes after fall semester. I would simply be out of classes to take. (That's not exactly true; I could probably stay at BYU forever and just take a whole bunch of random classes until I get kicked out. I just mean that I would be done with my major/minor classes.) And that means that I would need to graduate in December. December 2012. A semester earlier than I've always planned. So far in my life, I haven't really had to make choices. It was already laid out for me that I would go to elementary school. Check! Then middle school. Check! Then high school. Check! Then college. Check? What comes after college? I am suddenly faced with the biggest decision I have ever had to make: What do I want to be now that I've grown up? I still have no idea, but if I figure it out, no... when I figure it out, I'll let you know.
     That's just the tip of the iceberg, folks. I've been put in a lot of situations recently that have made me happy, sad, confused, afraid, and hopeful. Sometimes simultaneously, even. I'm starting to realize that life doesn't always just flow naturally. I mean, in a way it does. Life goes on until... well, until it doesn't. But something one of my professors said really hit me hard: "We all have to make life happen." I am the one who decides what I want to do, who I want to surround myself with, and where I want to be going with my life. Although this is really hard for me, I am trying to take life one day at a time. So, here's to making life happen, even when it's difficult.