Monday, March 19, 2012


1. I've made a lot of big decisions regarding my "Five Year Plan." I'll let you know more details as time goes on.
2. I cut off about a foot of hair and donated it to Locks of Love. For those of you who haven't seen me in a while and are thinking something along the lines of "Did she even have twelve inches to chop off?" the answer is yes, yes I did. I've been growing my hair out for a while, so now it goes to about the middle of my neck. It's pretty cute and fun, and the only thing I miss is being able to just pull it back into a ponytail when it's annoying me. But it was time for a change.
3. The semester is almost over! School has been okay to me, and my grades are mostly high, which is splendid. And I just got extensions for two research papers, so that's been a major burden lifted off my shoulders (for now.)
4. But the reason I got an extension (well, this reason only applies to one of the papers. The other one the teacher just wanted to give us more time...) is because I have mono! You know, that illness that I like to joke and tease people about. Well, karma sucks. And so does mono.