Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Too School for Cool

I have about twenty minutes until my next class, and that's obviously not enough time to do any homework anyway, so blog update! Plus, I can do my homework at home, but I can't blog at home. (Annoying story: My laptop+the ethernet in my apartment= shutting down and restarting said laptop at least five times a day.) I don't have that much to say, but I'm going to talk anyway. I don't think you'd expect anything different. Let's take a little trip back in time, shall we?

Thanksgiving 2009
Thanksgiving was crazy awesome. I got to spend time with two wonderful families, I ate great food, I thoroughly enjoyed myself. It was great. As a matter of fact, you can read about it here. Now let's come back to the present.

Thanksgiving 2010
It was weird. I didn't go home. I didn't go to other families' Thanksgiving meals. I just stayed in my apartment. Like I said, it was weird. But I enjoyed it. I watched a lot of movies, I ate some delicious food (mostly from boxes,) and I had a great time by myself. I don't know if I'll want to do it that way next year, but it definitely worked for me this year.

Anyway, I'm glad that semester is almost over. It hasn't been that bad, to be honest, but I'm still glad that it's drawing to a close. I'm just tired and ready for a long break. That's all.

My life is boring. But I'm happy.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Well, Well, Well

Dear World,

I'm really sorry that I don't ever have time to blog and that when I do, all I can think of is boring stuff. Once a week or so, I think of something to blog about, but I always manage to forget what I wanted to say. So it goes. I think I will just update you about my life. I'm back in Provo. School is severely kicking my trash, but it's usually interesting and fun. I suppose that makes it worth it. I found a job. I do custodial for a building on campus from 9 to 1. That's 9 pm- 1 am. And that reminds me of a Margaret Atwood poem.

you fit into me

you fit into me
like a hook into an eye

a fish hook
an open eye

So the job is tiring, but I'm starting to adjust to being nocturnal. And I get paid, so it's not all bad. As far as a social life goes, I don't have one. At least, not much of one. But I'll survive. If I don't, then it doesn't really matter anyway.

My life is so boring. Maybe I'll do something fun this week. Like go on a date. Wouldn't that be fun and entirely unexpected. Anyway, since I don't actually have anything to say, I'm going to stop talking. ...Blogging, I  mean.


P.S. I still like my life and think it's pretty awesome. It's more dull than watching termites follow an ink line (which is actually slightly fascinating,) but it's still better than what I'm sure it could be. Anyway, that's all.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

It's Time.

It's not quite ten o'clock yet, but I'm unbelievably tired. The bad news: I can't go to bed for probably another two hours. The good news: I think that I can sleep in on Saturday. At least, that's the plan. You'd think that after three months of not blogging I would have something interesting to say. But I don't. At least not right now. That's probably because I'm so tired. My dog just did the exact thing that I feel like doing right now; she was laying on her tummy and then she just flopped over to her side. I wish that I could sleep anytime that I wanted. Or maybe I don't; I probably wouldn't get a single thing done ever. And I'd probably lose all of my friends. That wouldn't be good at all. Anyway, like I said, I don't have anything to say.

I was going to insert a picture of Y Mountain, because I'm going to be seeing it soon. And I'm looking forward to that. But I'm also nervous.

Goodnight world.

Or whoever reads my blog.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


I don't want to spend a lot of time blogging; I should be doing various other things. However, I just wanted to share a brief thought with you. Here's the thing, I don't know why there are so many different types and colors and shapes and sizes of flowers. But I do know that I am grateful for the beauty that they bring to this world. I'm grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who not only created necessities in life, but who created magnificent sights for our eyes to behold. I have a lot more that I could say about this and about the things I'm grateful for, but I think I'll leave it at that for now. Also, my mom bought me a plant tonight (yay for moms) and I picked out Dahlias. I have heard of them, but I never really noticed them before. They just might be my new favorite flower. I couldn't get any decent pictures of the actual plant that I have, so I just found a professional photograph from the interwebs.
Beautiful, eh? Mine is about the same color. :)

P.S. I miss the mountains.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Who Am I To Be Blind?

Dear Friends,
I just wanted you to know about how excited I am for General Conference this weekend. I'm way excited. I never have really put any effort into General Conference because I was always disinterested, so this is basically the first time that I've actually been looking forward to Conference. But I've come to realize that servants of the Lord are going to be speaking to me about the things that I need to know and many important topics. That's pretty significant, I would say. With that perspective, I look forward to a wonderful, counsel-filled weekend.

P.S. It's freaking me out that the semester is almost over. It seems like I just graduated from high school, but it's been almost a year. Weird.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Don't worry, I'm Still Alive

I should have known that I wouldn't be the most consistent blogger. At least I'm trying, right? Well, life is good. (Big surprise, right?) But really, it's good. Lots of unexpected things have happened in the past couple of months (has it really been that long since the last time I blogged?! Si, Senorita.) but I think that everything has been for my own learning and progression. Such is life. I don't really have anything spectacular to blog about. I just remembered that I have a blog and that I should probably write something on it every now and then, even if I'm the only one that ends up reading it. Anyway, just so you know, whoever you are, I'm not dating anyone. I did go on one date last month that was so much fun and so wonderful, but that went nowhere very, very quickly. Anyway, I digress. My point is that I, Emily Sheley, was able to get through two semesters of college without getting engaged. This was a goal of mine; mission accomplished. :) I'm mostly joking. It wasn't an actual goal. However, I'm quite aware that I'm about 75-80% not ready to be married. I still have some growing up and some self-discovery business that I need to take care of. I'm not sure why I mentioned this... Perhaps because I'm trying to think of unexpected things that have happened to me. My sister/roommates threw a surprise birthday party for me. That was definitely unexpected but definitely welcomed. It was a pretty low-key event, but it was a fabulous way to celebrate my first birthday away from home. Well, I'm starting to get tired and I'm sure there's an assignment that I should probably be doing for tomorrow, so I'm going to leave you with my more random than usual thoughts.
The End.