Friday, December 23, 2011


So, here we are. It's the end of the year, and I haven't updated my blog since August. What could have possibly kept me from telling you about my life? Here's a brief list:

School: My classes were particularly overwhelming this semester. There were many difficult readings, papers, group projects, and tests that sapped a lot of time and energy from my life. I wish I could say that all of my hard work earned me good grades, but, unfortunately, that isn't exactly the case. Maybe next semester will be more kind to my GPA.

Work: I planned to be a Humanities TA, but a few days before classes began, I was informed that I was wrongly hired; it was back to the drawing board. I applied to numerous jobs on campus, but I was denied employment across the board. So I did something that I really did not want to do: I asked my former manager if I could resume my job as a custodian. He graciously allowed me to return, and although not ideal, having a job-any job- was a blessing in my life.

Life: I know that this is a really broad category, but I wanted it to be all-encompassing for the rest of life's adventures. I spent a lot of time with my roommates, I rediscovered my domestic tendencies by creating various home decor for my adorable little house, and I guess I just did normal, day-to-day kind of stuff.

Overall, I'm happy, healthy, and I have a lot of great people in my life. What more could a girl possibly ask for?